REFLECTIONS: Assigning False Connections
(c) 2016 Nicki Black
January 1, 2016: I think as compassionate and relational people, we can make the honest mistake of gravitating and assigning ourselves or our loved ones to groups and labels not because it's an ordained and true connection, but because of the deeper human need we have to be part of a bigger tapestry, cause, or something that is making a difference for a greater community. We make false connections because we may not understand circumstances, or can't figure out the luggage of what we have been taught as being normal, is not unpacking neatly within our man-made paradigms. We make false connections because we are neither at rest nor at peace in where we are in our lives, and our need to reach out to others to calm our fears of failure, edify our thought processes, and further landscape our actions overwhelms our patience to wait, listen, and receive revelation.
The Lord is saying that if you feel a tug that this speaks to you, He wants to set you free, right now, right where you are, from the bondage of false connections, depression, confusion, and false alignments. He deeply desires to see you standing firm and delivered in His strength, despite whatever is going on around you, or in you, that has brought you to this point of allowing your circumstances to be your mouthpiece and lifeline. He wants you to be YOU, and your loved ones to be THEM - not the labels, not the banner of something the Lord did not put in your DNA.
I believe so much in the God of Israel's transforming power to break any and all false yokes, because He also broke those yokes off of me. So in the mighty name of Jesus, with the unction and urging of our Abba Father, I partner with you to call your freedom forth. I partner with you to call you to the new place of peace and rest. I partner with you to call you whole. I partner with you to call you a son or daughter of the King. The moment you release your false connections is the moment you hear your cadence, and it leads you home. Be well with your soul. Selah, and Shalom.